"Yemen's Silent Crisis: Refugees Speak Out" was an event co-organised by The Wandering Voice and Table of Two Cities. The event aimed at bringing together Yemeni refugees and the wider Hong Kong community in one space. Community members interacted with each other, learned about the history of the Yemen conflict, and reflected on what Hong Kong can contribute ito charting a path to peace and stability in this part of the world.
We were happy to have an enthusiastic crowd of nearly 100 people joining us in this event and lending their patient ears to the Yemeni refugee community. Starting with ice-breaker chats, our participants listened to the stories of
Yemeni people personally impacted by the war. Following that, our participants learned about elements of Yemeni culture, including food, dance, and fashion.
We were also honoured to have Fatima Qureshi, who debunked the biased coverage of the political history of Yemen for us. This provided our participants with a nuanced understanding of the impact of media.
We look forward to organising more events that continue to bring communities together in the future.