Editor's note:
Originally from Philippines, Kay came to Hong Kong as a domestic worker. She had to stop school and give way to her two eldest brothers, but she didn't give up and is currently pursuing her master's degree.
Author's Words:
As E.L.Doctorow said, writing is an exploration, you start from nothing and learn as you go. That is also what life is giving to us. It resembles every chance given to us. I write this letter to remind us that we are the only captain of our soul and we are the only one who can decide who we want to be.
Dear future you,
The younger us who are always in a rush has taught our life a lesson. I am writing this letter to remind you to take it slow.
In some point of our life we come and ask ourselves "what if" and "if only", but we can't turn back time. Every decision we make will hunt us in the midst of the storm.
Listen carefully, never decrease your value to the people who only care and say they love you when everything is going smooth, and leave you when the path is steep and unsteady. Never go in a rush anymore, learn to appreciate and enjoy your life. People will come and go, but those who really care and love you will definitely stay in the worst time of your life. Value them and don't push them away.
They stay because you are worth it.
Without any single doubt, you will conquer life's battle. Just be firm on what you believe in. Life will throw you a storm again, but no matter how many times you stumble, always remember to stand up again and give it a good fight. No one can drag you down when you don't allow them. Life might be a rollercoaster ride but I will help you to be strong.
Life will always be a game of uncertainties, but only you can steer the boat to the destination you want to go.
Be strong, be adventurous but most important of all, be wise.
The present you